Your online portfolio

This is it. You must put together your full online portfolio that will be your online home. This site should be targeted for you to get the job that you want. If you want a graphic design job, show of your graphic design work. If you want a writing job, show off your writing. These are the requirements:

  • You must take into account everything we have learned so far.
  • You must use the normalize.css from the boilerplate we created
  • You must use a font from Google Fonts in your design that is appropriate for the business and matches its brand
  • Your CSS should be in its own separate CSS file.
  • Make your resume fluid to scale and look good on devices of all sizes
  • This site may have multiple pages but it shouldn't be too large for the scope of this project
  • The site should include a similar navigation structure on each page
  • This should include the appropriate elements that we have built this semester. Resume, contact information, etc.
  • Every element on this site should serve a purpose. No dead links, no placeholder copy or images, No phantom contact form copied from elsewhere on the web
  • I expect you to test your website thoroughly

Other things to consider:

  • Typography
  • Line length
  • Imagery
  • Search Engine and Social Media Optimization
  • Personal logo or mark

Potential for bonus points:

  • Going above and beyond the previously stated requirements
  • Create your own blog (talk to me first)

The following will reflect on your grade poorly:

  • Not putting any thought or time into this project
  • Using table based layouts
  • Using deprecated HTML such as <font>, <center>
  • Using styles inline. don't do this: <h1 style="margin-bottom:3em;">
  • Grammatical errors
  • Not posting the site to the correct URL
  • Not following the previously stated instructions

Submission Guidelines

The link to your resume must be emailed to me. It is due by April 29th at 6:30pm. It should be located at

Have Questions or Need Help?

We will dedicate a portion of class time to work on this project where I will walk around and help each of you out. Outside of class, please call, email, or text me and I will help you out.